Sponsers of the Thanet Walking Festival
The Thanet Walking Festival has been kindly funded by the following organisations. If you would like to sponsor the Thanet Walking Festival, please direct your enquiry to enquiries@thanetwalkingfestival.co.uk.
Past Sponsers
The Ramblers Association

Thanet Travel Forum
A Local Action 21 partnership forum between the local council and the community
Regular discussion meetings open to the public to raise issues affecting public transport, walking, cycling, safer roads and mobility.
Contact Brian Smith-Stewart (01843 295481) or
Thanet District Council
PO Box 9, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent. CT9 1XZ
Telephone: 01843 577000 Fax: 01843 290906
Thanet Community Development Trust

Kent International Airport Community Fund
Kent County Council